Mercado de forex e opções binárias 1

Trading de Forex ou de opções binárias.

Embora pareça interessante a promessa de altos ganhos em um curto período, é preciso estar atento aos riscos do Mercado Forex.

Melissa Nunes Especialista em Finanças Pessoais e Investimentos Atualizado em: 05/12/2022.

Você já ouviu falar do Mercado Forex ou Forex Trading , mas não sabe como funciona e se vale a pena negociar nele? Embora possa parecer interessante a promessa de altos ganhos em um curto espaço de tempo, é preciso estar atento a seus riscos.

Isso porque, ao contrário do que muitos pensam, investir no Mercado Forex não é o mesmo que investir na Bolsa de Valores do Brasil (B3), já que esse não é um mercado regulado no Brasil.

Para tirar todas as suas dúvidas sobre o Mercado Forex, nós, do iDinheiro, preparamos um material super completo. Confira!

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O Mercado Forex ou FX é uma abreviação de Foreign Exchange Market , que quer dizer mercado de moeda estrangeira , em inglês. Ele funciona 24 horas por dia, de domingo à noite até a sexta-feira e, por ser um mercado virtual, pode ser acessado em qualquer parte do mundo.

Ao contrário do investimento comum, onde busca-se receber juros compostos ou dividendos, quem opera Forex tem como intenção ganhar dinheiro com a especulação dos preços dessas moedas. Por isso, é considerado uma forma de trade , muito similar ao que é feito na Bolsa de Valores diariamente. Porém, seu funcionamento é diferente, como você pode ver a seguir.

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Como funciona o mercado Forex?

As operações do Mercado Forex são feitas em pares, envolvendo a compra de uma moeda com a venda de outra simultaneamente . Em outras palavras, a pessoa especula que o valor de uma delas subirá ou cairá em relação a outra.

Por exemplo, você pode negociar moedas como dólar e euro. Assim, caso acredite que o valor do dólar irá valorizar em relação ao euro, pode comprar dólar e vender euro. Se estiver correto, você ganha dinheiro. Se não, pode perder o capital investido na operação.

Parece muito simples, certo? E o conceito realmente é. Contudo, diferentemente de outros tipos de investimentos, essas operações não têm a proteção da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM), já que se trata de um mercado internacional. Por isso, é preciso estar atento aos seus riscos.

Quais os riscos de operar no Mercado Forex?

Como já mencionamos acima, o Mercado Forex não tem regulamentação no Brasil, e isso traz alguns fatores importantes para considerarmos. Veja, a seguir, quais são os seus principais riscos.

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Instituições não autorizadas.

Até o presente momento, não há nenhuma instituição devidamente autorizada pela CVM para atuar no Mercado Forex, bem como a captação de clientes em território nacional também está proibida. Dessa forma, especuladores que desejem atuar nesse segmento precisam saber que não estão protegidos pelas entidades competentes caso encontrem problemas no meio do caminho.

O grande risco aqui é cair na lábia de golpistas que usam o Forex para aplicar fraudes, muitas vezes prometendo rendimentos em um mercado extremamente volátil. Além disso, pode haver dificuldade de obter ressarcimento em caso de prejuízo e roubo de dados pessoais nas plataformas. Como não há regulação, não há a quem recorrer.

Natureza do tipo de investimento.

Como as operações do Mercado Forex têm com base a especulação sobre o preço das moedas, não há garantias ou lastro em produção industrial ou oferta de serviços . Dessa forma, pode ser comparado a um jogo de apostas, já que não existem claras fundamentações para a valorização ou desvalorização dos ativos.

Falta de informação adequada.

O principal objetivo da CVM é proteger o investidor e garantir que ele tenha acesso à informação adequada para uma tomada de decisão consciente acerca dos riscos envolvidos nos seus investimentos. Contudo, sem a regulação do mercado e o registro das instituições, não há como exigir esse tipo de proteção.

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É muito comum que interessados em operar Forex considerem apenas a possibilidade de ter grandes retornos nas suas negociações. Mas, se por um lado o mercado permite alta rentabilidade, por outro, também tem potencial para grandes perdas.

Inclusive, pela facilidade de usar a alavancagem, ferramenta que permite operar com mais dinheiro que se tem disponível, também é possível transformar uma oscilação negativa pequena em um grande prejuízo, muito maior do que o capital investido.

Volatilidade das moedas estrangeiras.

Sabemos que o preço das moedas internacionais é muito volátil, variando diariamente. E, como essa variação pode ser positiva ou negativa, quem investe no Mercado Forex está sujeito a prejuízos em um curto espaço de tempo. Portanto, para quem tem pouco apetite ao risco e não conhece bem a dinâmica do mercado financeiro, esse tipo de operação não é recomendada.

Além disso, esse tipo de trade exige uma atenção especial do operador, que precisa desprender grande quantidade de energia nas negociações. Como a volatilidade é alta, o nível de estresse também pode ser e, para quem tem pouco controle emocional, a tomada de decisão é bastante prejudicada, dando espaço para perdas ainda maiores.

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Quais as vantagens do Mercado Forex?

Num primeiro momento, uma pessoa pode considerar vantajosa a promessa de altos ganhos e de maneira rápida operando de maneira online. Mas, como já listamos acima, os riscos de operar no Mercado Forex são significativos. A nossa dica é que você não tome decisões de investimento de forma apressada, ok?

De qualquer forma, esse tipo de operação pode ter algumas vantagens, como:

o mercado funciona 24h durante a semana, não é preciso esperar os horários de pregão; alto volume de negociações, é o mercado com maior liquidez do mundo; permite operar com baixas quantias de capital e usar a alavancagem; as plataformas tendem a ser modernas e de baixo custo.

É legal operar Forex no Brasil?

Não há nada que impeça investidores individuais de operar o Mercado Forex no Brasil. O que a CVM não permite é fazer a captação de clientes em território nacional, de forma que qualquer tipo de aliciação, oferta ou propaganda de empresas para este mercado é dada como atividade irregular pela Comissão.

Existe alguma corretora de Forex autorizada no Brasil?

Não, ainda não existe nenhuma corretora de Forex autorizada no Brasil, visto que não há nenhuma instituição brasileira supervisionando esse mercado. É preciso tomar cuidado com propagandas enganosas e empresas que atestem ter escritórios brasileiros, pois há histórico de fraudes e golpes que são aplicados dessa maneira.

Vale lembrar que, por ser um mercado regulado pelas leis de oferta e demanda, não há como garantir nenhum tipo de ganho em operações de ativos como os do Mercado Forex. Portanto, fique atento a promessas de rentabilidade e suspeite de apelações como “dinheiro fácil e rápido”.

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Quais são outros mercados especulativos?

No Brasil, também temos mercados altamente especulativos e regulados, como:

mercado de ações; mercado futuro (commodities, índices, taxas de juros e moedas); e mercado de opções.

No mercado futuro, vendedor e comprador se comprometem com a negociação de uma certa quantidade de ativos financeiros ou de bens tangíveis numa data futura. O preço predeterminado é atraente para investidores que buscam rentabilizar com as oscilações dos preços dos ativos.

Já no mercado de opções, um contrato a prazo é estabelecido entre as duas partes. Com isso, o comprador adquire o direito (mas não a obrigação) de comprar ou vender um ativo durante um determinado período do tempo.

Apesar de serem totalmente regularizadas, essas operações também apresentam risco considerável e devem ser realizadas por investidores e traders que tenham o conhecimento necessário para tal, além de ser recomendado o uso de plataformas especializadas. Caso seja do seu interesse, descubra o seu tipo de investidor e saiba como escolher uma corretora de valores.

Conclusão: vale a pena negociar no Mercado Forex?

Se você leu até aqui, já sabe o que é Forex, como funciona o Mercado Forex e, principalmente, quais são seus riscos. Diferentemente de outros investimentos, essas operações não têm a proteção da CVM. Portanto, pare, pense e avalie os seus prós e contras.

Operar Forex não é ilegal, portanto, caso decida que vale a pena apesar dos riscos, procure estudar e entender como funciona a análise técnica, por exemplo, para melhorar suas chances de sucesso. De qualquer forma, ressaltamos que não há garantias de ganhos.

Assim, desconfie de qualquer promessa de altos ganhos em um curto espaço de tempo, pesquise a fundo sobre os tipos de investimentos disponíveis e, claro, confira se a instituição por trás disso tem registro na CVM.

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É permitido operar Forex no Brasil? Sim, não há restrições quanto às operações em Forex para o investidor comum. Mesmo assim, é preciso estar ciente dos riscos desse mercado. Quais instituições estão autorizadas a operar Forex no Brasil? Hoje, nenhuma corretora de Forex tem autorização da CVM para funcionar no Brasil, visto que o Forex não é um mercado regulado. Qualquer tipo de propaganda ou aliciação para captação de clientes não é permitida em território nacional. É seguro investir em Forex? O Mercado Forex é legítimo, apesar de ser considerado de alto risco. Por isso, é seguro no sentido de que é feito dentro da legalidade, embora não seja regulado no Brasil. De qualquer forma, é preciso entender seus riscos e estar ciente das possibilidades de perda ao operar. Como operar no Mercado Forex? Para operar no Mercado Forex é preciso abrir conta em uma corretora estrangeira. Não há nenhuma instituição nacional autorizada a dar acesso a esse tipo de operação.

Bonus no deposit forex 1.

What Is A Forex Deposit Bonus and How Does It Work?

When you decide to start trading Forex (FX) online, you will of course need to select a good broker. While traders will look for many useful features when choosing a Forex broker, they will also come across a lot of aggressive advertisements from various FX brokers, that will try to entice new traders with an attractive Forex deposit bonus. This article will explain in detail what this bonus is, how it can be useful, and what the best method for choosing a proper bonus is.

What is a deposit bonus? How does it work exactly? In general terms, a bonus is simply a way of compensating traders for choosing a certain broker. Once a person has opened an account with a Forex broker, they will be trading currency pairs, and will have to incur the same expenses as any other trader. The bonus is just a way for the broker to reward the trader's choice, and give all or some of these expenses back to the trader, once they have proven themself as an active one.

Please note: The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has agreed to place investor protection measures on the marketing, distribution, or sale of CFDs to retail clients, in effect since 1 August 2022. Those restrictions include a restriction that brokers like Admirals do not directly or indirectly provide the retail client with a payment, monetary or excluded non-monetary benefit in relation to the marketing, distribution or sale of a CFD, other than the realised profits on any CFD provided. This means that the Deposit Bonus is not applicable for retail clients at this time.

How Does a Forex Deposit Bonus Work?

There are many bonuses offered by brokers, with some of them being given to you post-trading, and others being deposited to your account as soon as you have completed a deposit. Bonuses that are known as rebates are credited to your account once you have completed a trade, while regular bonuses may require you to carry out quite a number of trades first.

So how does the Forex deposit work? As this is a deposit bonus, a trader has to of course make a Forex deposit via an account manager, after they have accepted the terms & conditions and have successfully applied. Usually, once the account has been deposited, it may take a few hours (or days, in some exceptional cases) to actually receive the bonus on your account.

Once the bonus is there, a trader may start opening and closing positions with the aim to trade the required volume, in order to claim the bonus as their own property. Once a trader has completed the required volume, the bonus money can be transferred from the broker to the trader. After this, a person can do whatever they want with these funds.

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What Are the Different Types of Forex Bonuses?

So what types of Forex deposit bonuses are available to professional traders? Brokers will present their promotions in various packages. However, it's possible to subdivide almost every bonus into one of the categories mentioned below. Let's look at the categories of bonus you are most likely to encounter, and explore their benefits and drawbacks:

No Deposit Bonuses.

This Forex trading bonus is given to traders without any deposit requested from their side. Usually, the size of such a bonus is modest, and varies between 5 USD and 50 USD. Brokers usually distribute such offers so that traders become more motivated to complete operations, and to learn how to trade currencies more effectively.

These bonuses can assist in previewing live conditions, as funds traded are on live servers. It is important to note that no deposit bonuses aren't very common. If you do find one, make sure that the broker offering it is trusted, otherwise you will end up wasting your time. This type of bonus is great for experienced traders. No deposit bonuses are extremely useful when it comes to the development of trading strategies.

This is because it allows traders to try out new strategies and trading styles without risking significant losses on their live account. Opening a no deposit bonus account provides the option of stress-free trading.The main disadvantage of these bonuses is that traders often choose to start with these Forex trading bonus offers when they are new to the market.

Instead of familiarising themselves with the market through a demo trading account, some beginner traders begin to trade on a no deposit bonus account. This can prevent them from learning the rules of risk management, and can also prevent them from benefiting from proper rewards for their time spent on trading. This is why as a novice trader you should not go for this type of bonus.

You may have heard of FX rebates, which is when a commission or a part of the spread is put back into the trader's account once they have closed a position. In some cases, the process of the rebate is rather fast. However, a lot of brokers tend to pay it back on a monthly basis. It is difficult to say whether this type of bonus is good or bad.

In order to clarify whether a rebate is close to the best Forex bonus or far from it, you'd need to examine the trading conditions of the broker. If a broker has, let's say, a spread on the EUR/USD currency pair of three pips (on average) and promises you a rebate of 20 USD per lot (per side), this can look like an attractive offer.

However, through basic calculations, you will find that it is no better than just offering one pip spreads on EUR/USD. In other words, if you can find a broker that offers no rebates, but supplies spreads on EUR/USD that average 0.8 pips, you would be better off not opening an account with such a broker.

Forex rebates can be beneficial, as you are getting compensated for every single lot that you have traded, and there is no minimal set of conditions to satisfy in order to be eligible for the bonus. When searching for Forex brokers with bonus and promotions, you will often find that Forex rebates are quite popular through other third-party websites.

The main criticism of FX rebates is that such a bonus is simply not useful to traders. As mentioned, a rebate may look attractive to you, but in most cases it will end up being just a proportional compensation for your trading related expenses. Also, it is quite common for the size of the rebate to be rather small, so by trading with a rebate, you are saving only a small part of your funds.

Forex Broker With A Bonus On Your Deposit.

This is probably the best option, as the number of available bonus offers is quite good. Generally, you should be able to easily find a deposit bonus offer that ranges from 10% to something more significant like 400%. Remember though, FX bonuses is not an area where bigger is always better. In fact, in many cases you would be better off choosing a small bonus deal over a big one.

When going for a bonus, the selection of the Forex broker bonus offer is absolutely vital. Many traders choose brokers only by measuring the amount of the bonus offered, and then picking the largest available. This is certainly not the way to do it, and in most cases it is a reason why traders have experienced bad luck when trying to cash out their deposit bonuses.

When choosing the bonus for your next deposit, the main idea is to open an account with a reliable broker, and only after that, make sure that this broker can offer bonuses. If it doesn't, it's not a big deal, because you will at least be able to trade FX safely in the knowledge that your funds are segregated, and that you're protected.

On the other hand, if you choose to claim a 200% deposit bonus through an unreliable broker, you run the risk of facing problems later on when you attempt to cash out your bonuses. Don't waste your time and risk your funds - stick to what you know. When choosing Forex broker bonuses, you should shortlist the brokers you feel comfortable with.

Once you have your list, start exploring the bonus possibilities. Do not be afraid to make direct enquiries - even if the broker does not publicly offer bonus campaigns, you may be offered custom bonuses by an account manager. The main rule here is to select the broker, not the bonus.

Forex Trading Gifts.

You'll often see brokers offering smartphones, tablets, and other similar items as a gift for your deposit. This can be an attractive option to a lot of traders. However, the reality is that none of the reputable brokers would offer such a 'best bonus for Forex'. Why? Because there is no profit in sending clients expensive items right after they have opened an account.

Unreputable brokers are willing to make these offers because they have nothing to lose. Such brokers will often make this offer, and then simply not send the goods, or change the campaign, and then substitute the item for something of much lower value, or they could even cancel the offer altogether. They aren't interested in maintaining a reputation, so they will take the negative feedback.

Sometimes gift promotions offer to provide you with a gift only after you have completed a certain amount of trades. This is a more honest and reliable approach, but still, the advantages of this are limited. Instead of settling for a gift bonus campaign, you are probably still better off having the best Forex bonuses on your deposit, as the monetary value of bonuses may end up exceeding what a smartphone or tablet is worth.

Trading With A Demo Account.

Trader's also have the ability to trade risk-free with a demo trading account. This means that traders can avoid putting their capital at risk, and they can choose when they wish to move to the live markets. For instance, Admirals' demo trading account enables traders to gain access to the latest real-time market data, the ability to trade with virtual currency, and access to the latest trading insights from expert traders.

To open your FREE demo trading account, click the banner below!

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How to Choose a Good Forex Trading Deposit Bonus.

When it comes to bonuses, it is often hard to find decent articles that illustrate the best practices of choosing FX bonuses. Here are three easy steps that will help you to choose a good Forex trading deposit bonus:

Selecting a Good Broker.

No matter how good the offered bonuses are, always remember - the broker comes first. Initially you should only open an account and make a deposit with a broker that you trust, whose platform you can use with ease, and whose conditions you find attractive. It is vital to understand one simple thing - you are going to trade in order to achieve profit, and this should be treated as your main income. A bonus should only be seen as a secondary benefit.

Once you have shortlisted a few brokers that you feel comfortable with, only then should you start checking which one of them offers attractive bonuses. If you don't see any bonuses on offer, do not be afraid be afraid to ask - good brokers are happy to offer custom bonus proposals.

Choosing the Bonus Terms.

Many deposit bonus Forex brokers will offer you terms that cannot be achieved unless you completely neglect risk management principles. When going for a deposit bonus offer, always go for brokers that can offer you terms that you can achieve within your normal trading regime.

In fact, you should actually choose terms that allow you to trade in a relaxed way. How do you achieve this? Check how many days a broker offers to achieve the trading volume, then check how much volume you have achieved within the same amount of days in the past, and simply take 80% of it. This way you will be able to focus on your trading, rather than measuring the volume daily, and then thinking about how much more you have to achieve.

This is a very important rule, as some bonus traders often make silly trades just so they can achieve the volume. In such cases, your losses incurred due to the silly trades may easily exceed the size of the bonus. Also, keep an eye on the deposit Forex bonus terms and conditions, as some brokers can often restrict scalpers from achieving their trading volume, by limiting the amount of the minimum qualifying trades to 15 minutes.

Trading the Bonus.

In general, you should not employ any trading strategy just to to cash out the bonus. The main idea is to choose a bonus that fits your trading strategy, rather than attempting to adapt your strategy to the bonus. Once you have selected such a bonus, cashing it out will be rather easy, so trading it is not as important as selecting it.

However, you may often find yourself in such situations wherein the bonus is about to expire, yet you still have some some volume to achieve. In such cases, you should simply calculate what the trading expenses for this volume are, and compare it to the size of the bonus. If the size of the bonus is larger, then you should simply hedge your deals and achieve the volume without much risk. However, this should only be completed if the Forex broker bonus deposit terms allow hedging.

Deposit Bonus Forex Broker Offers to Avoid.

It may seem like a simple idea - open an account, make a deposit, and get your bonus, however, it is never this easy, and there are often tricks that will attempt to trip you up. First of all many novice traders are looking for the biggest possible bonus, and they simply think that the largest bonus is the best Forex deposit bonus. This is of course wrong in many ways, as the only way to understand bonuses is by carefully reading the terms and conditions.

Brokers that are offering 50%, 100%, or even 200% bonuses are not actually offering a trader anything of any real value. In most cases, such a bonus simply increases your leverage, blocks your withdrawals, and leads you to performing risky trades. It is important to note that large bonuses are usually not available for withdrawal, or the trading conditions attached to them are hardly achievable, especially when a trader implements proper risk management.

The rule of thumb here is that you should always read the terms and conditions, and search for the bonus that you can cash out. Once you have found such a bonus, revise the trading requirements, and see if this is something you can achieve. Never go for the bonus just because it's bigger than the other offers in the market. Also, many shady brokers will provide you with very attractive offers - do not fall for a scam, and avoid the offers which are attractive, but come from untrusted brokers.

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This material does not contain and should not be construed as containing investment advice, investment recommendations, an offer of or solicitation for any transactions in financial instruments. Please note that such trading analysis is not a reliable indicator for any current or future performance, as circumstances may change over time. Before making any investment decisions, you should seek advice from independent financial advisors to ensure you understand the risks.

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Bonus no deposit forex.

Forex Bonus – TOP 4 No Deposit Bonus Offers.

No deposit bonuses are gifts of free money given away to newly registered traders by certain online forex brokers. Although brokers offer several different types of bonuses, the no-deposit bonus is by far the most popular bonus because it requires no qualifying deposit. Some of the other types of bonuses offered by FX brokers are deposit bonuses, reload bonuses, and refer-a-friend bonuses.

Why Forex Brokers Offer Bonuses Best Forex Brokers with Free Bonus Offers Free $100 from FBS Forex Instaforex No Deposit Bonus FXTM Titans Demo Contest A-Markets’ Predict to Profit.

Why Forex Brokers Offer Bonuses.

Forex brokers offer bonuses for a number of reasons:

Competition – There are so many forex brokers in the industry and each forex broker wants to show potential clients that it is the best. One of the ways of doing this is by offering no-deposit bonuses. Showcase the Product – No-deposit bonuses serve the purpose of capturing the attention of clients who may sign up just to claim the no-deposit bonus and do some risk-free trading. In this way, brokers not only attract new clients, but also give them a chance to trade for free. Incentive to Trade – When an online FX broker offers deposit bonuses, refer-a-friend bonuses, and other types of bonuses to existing clients, it is actually making the trading environment more attractive and giving clients an incentive to stay back and continue to trade.

Best Forex Brokers with Free Bonus Offers.

Our team did a bit of research and came up with the following forex brokers with free bonus offers. Traders just have to sign up to claim the following bonus offers:

Free $100 from FBS Forex. challenges new traders to kick start their trading career with its Trade 100 Bonus. It refers to this bonus offer as a “tool to tone up the brain.”

Traders who claim the Trade 100 Bonus get the following:

Free $100 – They get $100 in real money, which they can use for trading. Develop Skills – The broker also gives clients a complete set of educational material along with the $100 bonus. No Deposit Required – Traders don’t have to make any deposit to claim this bonus. They can even make trading profits out of it.

Terms and conditions apply, and here are a few of those terms:

The bonus offer is available only on the MetaTrader 5 platform. 01 lot is the order volume. Traders can withdraw up to US$100 in profits. Traders should put in at least 30 active trading days. They should have traded a minimum of 5 lots during that period.

Instaforex No Deposit Bonus.

Instaforex offers a startup bonus of $1500, and it is a no-deposit bonus. This means that players can claim $1500 without making any qualifying first deposit. They can start trading without taking any risks or making any investments.

This bonus offer comes with the following terms and conditions:

All new clients of Instaforex are eligible to claim this bonus. The startup bonus is not available on cent accounts. Clients cannot withdraw their bonus amount. However, they can withdraw up to 10% of the profits they make from using the Startup Bonus. Clients cannot invest their startup bonus in PAMM accounts, but they can use it to copy trades through the ForexCopy System.

FXTM Titans Demo Contest.

ForexTime (FXTM) has brought back its Titans Demo Trading Contest so that players can trade with virtual funds and make real money profits. If they turn out to be one of the top five traders, they can grab up to $10,000 per round. The first round began on Feb 4, 2022 and will end on 29 March, 2022. The total prize pool is $20,000 and the top player gets half of it. The player who finishes second, third, fourth, and fifth get $5000, $2,400, $1,600, and $1000, respectively.

Traders interested in participating must either login to their existing FXTM accounts or create a new one. They should then read and understand the terms and conditions of the contest. Then they should start trading on their demo accounts. The top spot goes to the client who makes the most profits.

This contest works just like a no-deposit bonus as it gives traders the opportunity to trade without risking their own money, test trading strategies, improve their trading skills, and win real money if they make a profit.

Here are some of the terms and conditions of the contest:

The contest applies only to trading CFDs in precious metals and forex. The contest applies only to MT4 accounts in USD. Only trade positions kept open for over five minutes are considered.

A-Markets’ Predict to Profit.

Traders can be successful only if they learn everything they can about prediction and analysis. Successful traders do not rely on luck, but on hard work and research. To drive home this point, A-Markets has designed a contest called Predict to Profit.

A-Markets will announce the time brackets and financial instruments. It will then receive all the predictions and bets and notify the winners. However, this promotion is meant only for clients who have liked A-Markets’ Facebook page.

If a participant correctly guesses the price, he/she will receive a no-deposit bonus of $100. If nobody makes the correct guess, the five participants who make close-to-correct guesses will receive no-deposit bonuses of $30 each. Participants have to post their predictions only on A-Markets’ Facebook page.

Here are some of the terms & conditions of this promotion:

Only clients holding verified accounts can take part in this contest. Only clients who have never before received a no-deposit bonus can receive the prize. Clients can use the bonus fund for trading till they make a withdrawal. Clients cannot withdraw the no-deposit bonus.

Forex bonus offers are attractive. However, traders should understand that the brokers design bonus offers with the intention of attracting clients and giving them an incentive to trade. Traders should never make the mistake of considering bonuses to be free money even if the broker uses the word “free” in association with the bonus.

Also, brokers never “give away” any money to traders. The bonus you have received from the broker is still the broker’s money mixed with your deposit amount and you have to do a lot of hard trading to meet the lot requirements if you want to make a payout request. Bonus terms are quite tough and unreasonable at several brokers as a result of which new traders have to spend a long time meeting the lot requirements just to withdraw their money.

Trading experts advise beginners never to claim bonuses. But this does not mean that all bonus offers are bad. To be on a safe side, traders should read the bonus terms thoroughly and clarify doubts, if any, with a customer care representative before claiming a bonus. Our advice to traders is to stay informed, research bonus offers well, get familiar with the fine print, and claim bonus offers only if they can satisfy the lot requirements.

General Risk Warning: The financial products offered by the company carry a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your funds. You should never invest money that you cannot afford to lose.

Conectados Forex.

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Best forex pair cory mitchell s pick 8.

4 Controlling Trading Psychology by Norman Welz.

4 Controlling Trading Psychology by Norman Welz – Controlling trading psychology is not as easy as understanding the theory. However, when reading the book “Trading Psychologie”, your mind will be “slapped” by the author because of the content in it that is very relevant to our daily trading activities. How influential is this book for us to learn about trading psychology? Let’s take a look!

Table of Contents.

Controlling Trading Psychology by Norman Welz Form Trading Book ” Psychologie “

Trading psychology is a German book published in 2012. This book was written by Norman Welz, who discusses the psychology of trading. Norman Welz is an experienced psychologist, journalist, and trader.

His background, which is a psychologist, makes him so reliable in the field of trading psychology. No wonder he also trains traders to develop their brains in the right direction. Many readers have commented that the book Welz wrote is the best trading book they have ever read.

All Things in mind.

Most people like and need a sense of security in all their forms. However, every business especially trading has risks – Norman Welz.

It argues that no other profession creates so many intense emotions and reflects so much of our personality. Welz states that trading activities are our way of personifying money. According to Welz, we don’t just trade assets and money, we become money.

To trade effectively, the right mindset is very important. However, there is nothing more difficult than separating ourselves from the many factors, which have created our mindset from the very beginning and that determine how our brains function.

We are influenced by parents, family, friends, the environment, society, media, books, and many other things. By the time we start trading, all these influences tend to become one in our minds without us being able to separate them. This is what makes it difficult for us to limit the focus on trading and other focuses.

Why Do Traders Ignore the Power of Psychology?

To understand Welz’s approach, we need to understand the broad role of psychology and the brain. Welz believes that trading is 100% psychology. Mental strength is absolutely an indicator of trading success.

Moreover, about 95% of our actions are subconscious and we tend to imitate our behavior over and over again. If it is too frequent, this replication could repeat the wrong action or even bring havoc.

To support this opinion, Welz refers to a study in which 120 traders were given a system that had proven its intrinsic value statistically. After years of trials, it was proven that 119 of these traders failed with the system because their mentality misled them.

Welz agrees that most traders are men, who tend to think that psychology is not the most important thing. They think that the most important thing is the simple idea of being very rational, knowledgeable, and experienced.

However, according to Welz, rationality, information, and experience won’t help if the brain isn’t programmed and tuned appropriately. So what can we do to make our minds and subconscious act appropriately? Read to the end!

Welz Approach ( Controlling Trading Psychology by Norman Welz )

Over the years, Welz has helped people overcome their fears and obstacles, allowing them to win sports championships and even secure Olympic victories. Furthermore, he has also helped traders to earn money by activating their mental energy.

Welz emphasizes that everyone has unique mental bridges and barriers that need to be crossed to achieve success. The “brain” of trading requires a special skill, that is, market knowledge with the right mental abilities. It’s not that ordinary skills are not important, it’s just that they are usually defeated by mental patterns and wrong behaviors.

According to Welz, people usually only concentrate on the so-called logical aspects of charts and trends, including all patterns such as flags, triangles, and all other technicalities. In the end, it is without realizing that it is their emotions that will play a big role in the application of these technicalities. Welz believes that anyone can become a trader and overcome his fears. As long as people aren’t clinically ill, they can overcome that underlying anxiety if they’re willing to work on themselves. Controlling Trading Psychology by Norman Welz – Source: Tradehub.

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Best forex pair cory mitchell s pick 7.

How Do I Determine FOREX Liquidity?

There are approximately $1.5 trillion in currency transactions each day according to the Securities and Exchange Commission. As a retail trader, you may be hard-pressed to find forex liquidity information on a daily basis, yet there are a number of free resources available. Forex liquidity is important to successful traders because it helps you determine where the action is, when to trade and which currencies to trade in.

Liquidity in the Forex Market.

Unlike the stock exchange, which has a centralized location, the forex market is not centralized. Instead, the forex market is comprised of thousands of banks, brokers and traders transacting with each other but tracking volume independently of one another. This means retail forex traders are limited to the volume data provided by brokers to gauge daily liquidity, or are relying on averages to tell you which currencies are most liquid and when.

When you open a forex trading account, the broker provides you with a trading platform to execute your trades. Most trading platforms provide an option to "show volume" on your charts. A volume bar, which is drawn at the bottom of the chart for each bar of price data, reflects how much money was traded during that time period. The volume or liquidity data shown only reflects your broker, not the forex market as a whole.

Level II Trade Screen.

In an effort to become as transparent as other financial markets, many forex brokers offer Level II trade screens. A Level II screen allows you to see exactly how much currency is available at the current price as well as at levels above and below the current price. Seeing millions of dollars available to trade within several pips of the current price demonstrates that there is ample liquidity, while seeing only a few thousand dollars available for trade means that prices may be subject to large swings since there is little liquidity. The amount shown reflects the liquidity of your broker only.

Currency Pair Averages.

Certain currency pairs always have ample liquidity available for retail traders. Approximately 25 percent of all spot forex transactions occur in the EUR/USD, or euro relative to the U.S. dollar, according to the Foreign Exchange Committee (FXC). With so much activity, most retail traders can be assured that there is liquidity in the EUR/USD at nearly any time during the trading week. Exceptions occur right around major scheduled news releases, as traders remove liquidity from the market and await the news release. Other highly liquidity currency pairs include the USD/JPY, GBP/USD, AUD/USD and USD/CAD.

Time of Day Averages.

While certain currency pairs are liquid enough for retail trading throughout the week, the time of day still plays a large role in how much liquidity is available in each pair. Each currency is most liquid when a market associated with that currency is open. The EUR/USD is most liquid when European and/or the U.S. markets are open, while the USD/JPY is most liquid when the U.S. or Japanese markets are open. Trading a currency pair when a major market is open ensures that there is ample liquidity available for trading.

How Do Foreign Exchange Traders Make Money? →

How Do After- & Pre-Market Prices Affect an Opening & Closing Price? →

Actively Trade Stocks →

Comércio forex Salvador 1.

+35 Libros de Comercio Internacional ¡Gratis! [PDF]

Obtener libros gratis es un regalo de alta valía, y hallar libros gratuitos de un tema que requieres conocer en detalle, no tiene precio! Es por esto que nos dedicamos a investigar, analizar y a seleccionar publicaciones gratis sobre diferentes temas de interés.

En esta ocasión el tema que queremos compartir es el de Comercio Internacional. Hemos realizado una cuidadosa selección de libros en formato PDF sobre Comercio Internacional , para que puedas acceder a ellos con total libertad.

Por otro lado, sabemos que el Comercio Internacional es un tema complejo que abarca un alto contenido de información, por lo que hemos basado nuestra selección pensando en que puedas tener acceso a la información de mayor relevancia.

Desde su historia y creación, pasando por sus regulaciones, los acrónimos propios del Comercio Mundial, hasta la evolución del mismo empleando la tecnología como herramienta, son algunos de los temas que podrás conocer a fondo consultando los libros de Comercio Internacional que escogimos para ti.

Adicionalmente, podrás tener acceso a la información concerniente a cómo se ve afectado a un país debido a su participación en el Comercio Exterior.

¿Cuándo se ve beneficiado?, ¿Cuándo se genera o se incrementa su deuda externa?, ¿Cómo se conoce el desempeño de una nación a nivel internacional? Estos y otros puntos más de gran interés, están ahora al alcance de tu mano.

Cada uno de los más de 35 libros sobre Comercio Internacional que te listamos en esta publicación ha sido cedido para que sea compartido libremente, o bien es de dominio público.

Adicionalmente, hemos seleccionado los 3 libros que nos parecieron más interesantes para profundizar en Comercio Internacional.

Y también incluimos obras en inglés y portugués por si quieres estudiar la materia en otro idioma.

Al finalizar te invitamos a que visites:

Libros de Comercio Internacional Destacados.

1) Aspectos del comercio exterior.

Autor: Fernando Lafuente.

Aspectos del comercio exterior plantea de una forma didáctica los conceptos y definiciones más relevantes dentro del desenvolvimiento de la actividad mercantil con propósitos de participación en mercados foráneos junto a las formas en las que se proyecta su operatividad y formas de desarrollo.

En el texto igualmente se describe la pormenorización de los modos de producción, sus determinantes cuantitativas y analíticas que rigen la eficiencia en los procesos productivos con intenciones expansivas y un análisis sobre la situación del comercio mundial, sus principales actores y participantes emergentes.

El comercio exterior es una actividad tan dinámica y cambiante producto del comportamiento de los mercados que es de difícil proyección pero de necesario estudio continuo.

*Material disponible gracias a la Universidad Tecnológica del Salvador.

2) Diccionario de Comercio Internacional.

Autor: Global Negotiator.

El comercio es una de las actividades que muchas personas realizan como trabajo con la finalidad de obtener ingresos y así sustentar su hogar. Sin embargo, cuando hablamos de comercio internacional, el concepto cambia ampliamente.

El comercio internacional consiste en una actividad económica macro, donde se intercambian bienes y servicios entre todos los países del mundo, por lo cual se rige a través de ciertas normativas, medidas, e incluso vocabularios y terminologías específicas.

En este sentido, presentamos para ti el Diccionario de comercio internacional , un libro gratuito que puedes descargar en formato PDF, donde comprenderás todo lo necesario para el cumplimiento de dicha actividad entre naciones.

*Material disponible gracias a Global Negotiator.

3) El futuro del comercio.

Autor: Grupo de reflexión sobre el futuro del comercio.

El futuro del comercio plantea una reflexión por parte de importantes actores y representantes de organizaciones comerciales a nivel mundial acerca del comercio, su incidencia en la sociedad, su consideración como herramienta en el impulso del desarrollo sostenible y los retos que afronta la actividad comercial en un escenario mundial actual complejo.

Considerándose como un factor importante dentro de las relaciones de poder predominantes en la actualidad, el comercio y su incidencia dentro de la globalización se enuncia como un factor que dinamiza la consolidación de cadenas de valor, integrando el comercio y la producción en modelos innovadores que en apoyo de la tecnología reconfiguran la forma de vida de muchas sociedades a lo largo del planeta, en vísperas de una incidencia total con el transcurso de los próximos años.

*Material disponible gracias a la World Trade Organization.

Best forex pair cory mitchell s pick 5.

Pairs to Trade and Setting Up Charts – (Vid. 1 of 6)

Cory was a Market Analyst for Invezz and has been a professional trader since 2005. Over the years he… read more.

Updated: Aug 23, 2022.

Listen to this article.

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In page navigation.

1. Forex Pairs to Trade and Setting Up Charts 2. Normal Forex Pairs to Swing Trade 3. Exotic Forex Pairs to Swing Trade.

This is the first video in the free Forex Swing Trading in 20 Minutes Course (links to the rest of the course are provided at the end of the article).

I. Forex Pairs to Trade and Setting Up Charts.

I currently follow 28 “normal pairs” and 19 “exotic pairs” plus oil, natural gas, silver, gold and the S&P 500.

Normal pairs are recommended for traders who are starting out. You don’t need to scan through all 28, as that may be a bit overwhelming at first. Instead, only watch about 10 of these pairs. I have put a star beside the ones I recommend you start swing trading first, and then you can gradually work up to watching all 28.

If you are more experienced and looking for opportunities in more currencies, then monitor the “Exotic” pairs as well. You should have a firm grasp on how pip values work if you opt to trade these pairs, because if you don’t the spreads and big numbers you are dealing with can really mess with your risk management.

II. Normal Forex Pairs to Swing Trade.

III. Exotic Forex Pairs to Swing Trade.

USDZAR is also fine. My broker doesn’t offer trading in it for some reason, so it is not on my list, but you can add it to you list if you wish. With the Exotic pairs, start by adding a couple you are comfortable with, and then slowly add more pairs as you get better at spotting trade setups and understanding the pip values and movements of this pairs.

With this many pairs, if you are taking multiple trades be sure to check the trades aren’t highly correlated.

Our editors fact-check all content to ensure compliance with our strict editorial policy. The information in this article is supported by the following reliable sources.

Invezz is a place where people can find reliable, unbiased information about finance, trading, and investing – but we do not offer financial advice and users should always carry out their own research. The assets covered on this website, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, and commodities can be highly volatile and new investors often lose money. Success in the financial markets is not guaranteed, and users should never invest more than they can afford to lose. You should consider your own personal circumstances and take the time to explore all your options before making any investment. Read our risk disclaimer >

Best forex pair cory mitchell s pick 4.

Trader Coaching with Cory Mitchell, CMT.

Trader coaching involves periodic review of trades, strategies, and mistakes with the goal of improving trading performance.

Trader Coaching with Cory Mitchell, CMT.

April 8, 2022 Posted by Cory Mitchell, CMT Swing Trading Stocks Info 7 Comments.

Are you confused about your trading? Not getting the results you want? Don’t know where to start or what to do next? Need some clarity?

Trader coaching involves the periodic review of trades, strategies, mistakes, and answering your questions with the goal of improving trading performance, and ideally providing a better overall quality of life (less stress, enough money, less work time, more enjoyment).

It may be just one or two zoom or email sessions to answer some questions you have or gain some insight on a particular topic, or it could be a regularly scheduled call where we review your trades and make sure you’re on track with your goals.

Cory Mitchell has more than 16 years of experience as a full-time trader.

Consultations may cover:

Trading plan review Developing your own method for trading Finding and working on problem areas Trade review: making sure you’re sticking to your plan as well as addressing problems that occur while trading Answering specific questions you have related to your trading.

You determine your schedule and your level of commitment. You may just want one session for a second opinion on your trading plan, ideas on overcoming a trading problem, or you may wish to set up weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly sessions for periodic reviews/feedback on your trading.

Start, restart, or discontinue your consultation at any time.

If you’re self-employed or have trading income, your coaching may be a tax-deductible expense, meaning you could get a portion of the coaching fee back when you file your taxes. Consult an accountant or tax law in your area.

Shoot me an email via the Contact Us page explaining what you’re looking for. I’ll let you know if it’s something I feel I can help with, or possibly point you to some other resources if I’m unable to help.

I primarily only work with day traders and swing traders interested in stocks or forex.

After you have contacted me, we’ll discuss how we want to proceed. You can come back to this page and pay for the number of hours of coaching you would like to receive, or you can pay as you go.

Setting up an initial one or two video meetings is common. Quite often, this is all traders need to gain some insight and things to work on, and then they proceed to do that work on their own. Others prefer more sessions to get feedback on their trades or to be held accountable to their goals, for example.

We can also exchange emails, with you sending me questions or trades to review. For most emails, I record a video response and then email you that private video so you can watch it any time you want.

The rate is US$180/hour . Paying in advance for multiple sessions reduces the fee (click on links to pay through Stripe).

I can also invoice after our sessions if you prefer to proceed with one session at a time.

I don’t bill for any prep time or reading your emails. I only bill for time spent responding to emails or on the video call.

Sessions are pre-paid (or pay as you go), and the time used is deducted from the paid amount. For example, if you purchase 3 hours and we spend 1.25 hours on a video call, there are 1.75 hours left.

Some people opt to send me their trades, or questions, weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, or just when issues arise.

Other people choose to send in trades daily for several days in a row, looking for a lot of input quickly.

This can all be discussed prior to deciding to work together, and will depend on both our schedules.

Reviewing trades and providing email/video feedback usually takes about 10 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on how many trades/questions there are and the level of feedback required.

A video meeting is typically scheduled for 1 hour, but I leave time to go longer if needed. And we can cut it shorter if you desire.

If you wish to limit feedback to a certain time limit to control your costs, such as 1 hour per week, let me know in our communications and I will respect that.

At the bottom of any emails, I put down how much time was spent on the response.

Cory Mitchell, CMT.

Cory is a Charted Market Technician (CMT), a member of the Canadian Society of Technical Analysts (CSTA), and has been making his living off the markets since 2005.

In 2005, Cory began his trading journey with a proprietary day trading firm. They provided capital, and his only job was to trade it and make money. In exchange, the firm took a cut of his profits. No salary, no benefits, no job security…make money or hit the road.

​In an industry with less than a 4% success rate, Cory was making a living from his trading within six months.

​In 2011, Cory left the firm to trade on his own, continuing to day trade but also swing trading. He has extensive experience day trading stocks, ETFs, forex, and futures, as well as swing trading stocks, ETFs, and forex. Cory still actively trades and writes articles for TradeThatSwing and a select group of other prominent financial sites.

He ran a Forex channel on TheStreet from 2022 – 2022. He is an Investopedia contributor since 2008. He was the DayTrading expert on TheBalance for three years. Cory has appeared on radio programs across the US and has spoken at multiple trading events including the 2022 and 2022 Canadian Society of Technical Analysts’ National Conferences.

​He is an avid golfer (currently a 3 handicap), rock climber, and obstacle course racer, and enjoys healthy eating (most of the time), hiking, camping, and spending time with his family.

About Cory Mitchell, CMT.

Cory is a professional trader since 2005. In between trading stocks and forex he consults for a number of prominent financial websites and enjoys an active lifestyle. He runs TradeThatSwing and coaches individual clients.

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Cory is a very profound and knowledgeable coach and active trader himself. I originally came to Cory after over 10 years of failure. I searched everywhere and paid for numerous trading courses and mentors in the past and somehow stumbled upon one of his articles on day trading. I immediately read all of his free blog posts on his site then purchased his EURUSD day trading course and Forex Introduction course. They were very straightforward and to the point which I appreciated. The content is so honest and transparent that I took his private coaching shortly after completing the course. I have been doing private coaching sessions weekly with Cory for the past couple of months and seen an astronomical improvement in my trading performance and overall quality of life. I now have a deeper understanding of the real “Market Structure” and the importance of trader psychology and discipline. I am currently still training with him and highly recommend his coaching to anyone interested. Cory is a legendary trader in the making and I appreciate coming across this anomaly.

Cory is a consummate professional. Great to work with, patient and knowledgeable. I highly recommend him if you’re looking to not only understand the ‘stuff’ but also get a handle on the mindset of trading. He helped me get a different and deeper understanding of what makes markets work as well as strategies that are proven over time. His materials and courses are excellent and his coaching really helps take you to the next level in your trading. I highly recommend Cory to anyone looking to get better at trading and growing in this discipline. He is a man of integrity and that really counts when you want to learn from someone that isn’t just knowledgeable but also does it the right way.

I first came across Cory when I was working on my own personal trading psychology. Straight away I was fascinated by his articles that he shares on the Trade That Swing webpage. After more digging I was extremely impressed by his day trading results on a 1 minute time frame as I had previously had negative programming from other so called traders who said that trading on smaller time frames is not a profitable approach to the markets. Fast forward 10 months and I am now a profitable day trader thanks to Cory. He was able to work around my time zone difference being in Australia to set up zoom calls to work through issues I was having psychology and trading wise. When we did not have a scheduled zoom and I had multiple questions Cory was always available via email to send back detailed responses in no time. He also took the time to do trade reviews and send a recorded video of him reviewing my trades for when I was unavailable to attend a zoom. If you are confused/ lost/ stuck in a rut with your trading and don’t know what to do to fix things I would definitely recommend reaching out to Cory for some guidance as a Mentor. Thanks again Cory., Mathew.

Cory is a marvelous coach. His approach is sensible, practical, and clear-headed. He is wonderful about focusing on the procedures or the “process” — absolutely crucial components in a sound approach to trading. What’s especially helpful is the pragmatic way in which he assists you in establishing a “trader identity” and pre-trade routines, which lay an essential foundation for successful trading. Very sensible and lucid when it comes to formulating specific strategies.

I have been working with Cory for 3 months now. I swing trade US stocks, and day trade currencies. When we started working together I was a directionless new trader with aspirations of being a full-time trader, but no clue how to get there. Now, I am focused and confident and have a solid platform and knowledge base to go on and achieve my goal of becoming a full time trader. I would not be here without Cory’s support. He has been incredibly generous with his time, and is flexible, tailoring his coaching methods to suit my needs each week. Sometimes we have long zoom conversations. Sometimes we have email exchanges. Cory is also willing to review my day trades, everyday, which has given me a 24 hour feedback loop that has accelerated my learning and performance beyond my expectations. He has also helped me develop solid trading plans, and develop my mental game. I couldn’t recommend Cory and his coaching highly enough. He is incredibly knowledgable and experienced in a great many trading styles. And importantly, he is highly successful trader himself, although you might not know it as he demonstrates a high degree of humility so often lacking in successful traders!

I connected with Cory after reading several of his articles I found insightful, inspiring but at the same time straight to the point. I came with my strategy defined, but looking for improving consistence and getting some feedback on my overall approach. To mention just a few concrete improvements I get after a few sessions: 1. I became more patience to wait for my set up. Cory pointed out a few examples and make the point in a simple and candid way that it finally became an strength in my trading. 2. Small but critical twists in my strategy – after rich interchange of ideas . 3. I learnt to focus on the right stocks. Avoid moving all over the place and fine tune my scanner. 4. When to play and when to wait. A wider view of the market landscape with simple advices. The approach Cory deployed is simple. I made all the process thru mail, and the feedback coming over my notes put me to think and re-work. The fact that he promptly answer is another valuable thing to keep momentum during the learning process. I personally trade during some weeks and from time to time reconnect to continue growing. Cory is a great partner in my learning process and I know I can connect everytime.

Having trained with Cory for just over a month, I’m astounded by his ability to explain new concepts and help me understand my own trading mistakes (so I don’t keep repeating them). He’s not only a knowledgable and patient teacher, but also a very good listener — even when I don’t quite know how to phrase a question, Cory gets to the heart of what I’m asking and provides a clear answer. The video explanations/analysis have been particularly helpful, combined with a lot of practice, and I’ve seen my trading improve significantly.